These are programs that are available upon request to other conservation organizations or groups. Use the button below to download a full list of programs available for 2024

Learn how birds cope with the long flights associated with migration as well as what triggers them to embark in such journeys. This presentation includes videos and images of various migratory species and discusses some of the effects caused by human disruption as well as climate change. Migration is an important natural event that ensure population survival. While weather influence migration, is the lack of food what really causes the migration process.

Learn what the changes in temperatures are causing to species around the globe. The effects of temperature increase have affected feeding patterns, breeding cycles and geographic range of many species. Learn which are at greater risk, and what is being done to save them.

With the increase of carbon dioxide discharged into the environment and the constant destruction of large forested areas, the weather patterns have changed to the point that are affecting many natural processes around the world. These changes may be detrimental to some species while beneficial to others at the same time.

Take a tour to the amazing world of hummingbirds. Learn what separates hummingbirds into a unique family of birds. This presentation is full of information and beautiful images of hummingbirds covering all aspects of the hummimbird’s life and the adaptations that allows them to survive. Explore the secrets behind their colorful plumage, their mating rituals and how they build their nests while learning facts unique to these species.

From their beauty to their skills, our speaker will share his experiences with hummingbirds from the Caribbean, Central and South America. These little machines are some of the most fascinating animals on Earth.

The current amphibian decline experienced throughout the world is a sign of large environmental problem. Due to their sensitive nature, amphibians are playing a bigger role than ever expected in determining the health of our ecosystems. But their importance does not end there. All over the world scientist are studying the toxins produced by frogs and salamanders as a possible cure for many human diseases including cancer. At the same time biologist are struggling to save many of the more than 3,000 species of amphibians currently endangered with extinction. We’re currently experiencing the largest mast extinction since the dinosaurs, and amphibians are leading with the largest number of casualties.

This presentation covers many aspects of a butterfly’s life including their anatomy, life cycle and defenses. Learn to identify some of the most common butterflies, their caterpillars and host plants.

An introduction to birding. Learn about bird identification, equipment, techniques and the best times and locations to find birds. Occasionally birds can be identified by using several clues including behaviors, flight patterns and sounds. Subtle differences between species can be confusing at times, but with careful observation you will be able to pick up those differences quickly. Learning the main bird orders and families will greatly improve your decision-making when spotting a bird in the wild. This workshop will teach you how to take notes in the field for later identification of those first time observations. We’ll help you become a better birder not only by learning the proper identification, but by learning how to collect relevant information for that particular species being watched.

The workshop is divided in three separate sessions. The first and second sessions are held indoors at the Street Audubon Nature Center. The last session is a birding trip to Circle B Bar to test your new skills and practice identification.



This workshops teaches you how to identify birds by behaviors and calls. Sometimes birds hide in the vegetation and it’s hard to have a positive visual identification, but by listening to their songs we may be able to get a good idea of what bird it was. Even the drumming patterns on woodpeckers varies from one species to the other. Behaviors will also give you good clues as to the identity of a bird. This is essential when describing distant birds or those in flight. Most wading birds use different methods to capture their food, event the way they beat their wings in flight are different and could be used to make the proper identification.

In this last session of Birding 101 you’ll learn how to bird by habitats.

Birds favor a particular type of ecosystem based on their food needs, roosting, breeding and other factors. Knowing the right habitat for a particular bird can make a difference in identifying this bird species. Learn the importance of these habitats for bird conservation and what is being done to protect them.